I love to talk about dog training.

Here are my most recent articles.

  • Incorporating Choice, Control, Predictability Into Our Walks With Our Dogs- High Tail Hikes blog post

    We’re coming off the holiday season, so I’m curious. Did you travel over the holidays? Did you fly? Did you drive? Take a train? How did traveling over the holidays feel for you?

  • Want to Freshen Up Your Training Treats? Your Pup’s Palate May Surprise You- Bay Woof

    I grew up on the East Coast. In the summer we had a vegetable garden with all the basics: tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, and carrots. But my family’s dietary habits generally were pretty meat-and-potatoes.

  • Gamify Your Walks: Using Games on Walks with Your Dog - High Tail Hikes blog post

    When you’re walking a sensitive dog in the Bay Area, you may have a dog who barks and lunges when people or dogs approach. That feels awful right? It’s scary, frustrating and super embarrassing.

  • Be Your Dog's Chaperone- High Tail Hikes blog post

    Why the heck do we walk our dogs? Some people do it to get exercise for their dog. Some people are trying to get their steps in.

    As a dog walker, I have come to the uneasy conclusion that a walk is a little bit like a prison break. Or perhaps, to use a gentler analogy, it’s like a school field trip - and you’re the chaperone!

  • Let's Talk About Loose Leash Walking- High Tail Hikes blog post

    So let's talk about loose leash walking. Before we start, I think it’s important to note that I am a very rule oriented person. One of the first objections that comes up when we talk about long lines is leash laws. So before I begin listing all the reasons why I love long lines - I think it’s important to note that you should always observe local leash laws.

  • You've Got a Friend: Social Walks and The Sensitive Dog- Bay Woof

    As we continue to navigate the pandemic, many of us are looking for ways to maintain social bonds with friends, family, coworkers, and acquaintances. We all have various risk factors, but most of us agree it feels pretty safe to meet someone at a parklet for a drink. It could be coffee, tea, a beer, or a cocktail, but getting an outdoor beverage is something we can do with pretty much anyone in our social circles.

    When looking for the same social opportunities for dogs, I think of the social walk.

  • Tis the Season: How to Holiday-Proof Your Pets- Bay Woof

    The holiday season often means guests and gatherings, which can be stressful for our household pets. But with planning, practice, and clear expectations for all involved, the holidays can be a wonderful time for everyone, including our furry family members. Attaining that goal means making sure pets have a safe space and that visitors understand the rules.

  • Training a Tricky Dog? Put the Games to Work for You!- Bay Woof

    Last February, just before the pandemic, we traveled to Washington to pick up an adolescent female Papillon. We named her Civetta, Italian for “little owl.” It’s also slang for a girl who’s a troublemaker - and it soon became clear she’d live up to her name.